- Work 1 was called on account of rain. Work 2 was rough on account of people being grouchy.
- I followed a new Twitter, austinsxsw, pretty informational on local Austin happenings, just don't follow on your cell, cause they will BLOW it up.
- About 7 weeks left til I'm interning and living on an episode of Cribs.
- Andy and I decided we might like to invest in some cruisers and join the motorcycle club at Celebration. Seriously.
- Laura drove to New Mexico (not really NM, but close) via 620, where her car broke down so her, Weller and me drove out to see what we could fix. No dice tonight, but tomorrow Weller plays superhero.
- Turns out my mom is just as much of a night owl as I am and really good at late night talks. And still the most beautiful, anointed, Jesus-filled woman on the planet.
Because I can.....

My favorite text all day:
Katherine: Being the animal lover that I am, I picked up a stray cat but can't keep it. Do you know anyone that would want it?
Me: The butcher?
Oh! (not OK, I know, I know-still funny eh?)
My Jesus today:
2 You want what you don’t have, so you scheme and kill to get it. You are jealous of what others have, but you can’t get it, so you fight and wage war to take it away from them. Yet you don’t have what you want because you don’t ask God for it.
James 4:2 NLT
Good nachos people.
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