So sometimes I have a little jaded view on this thing most people call Christianity. It seems to me that we throw around all these "feel good" words and phrases because it's what we're supposed to do and say. We go to services and sometimes, if the week was good i.e. God was good to us, we tithe, maybe we go crazy and drop a little more in. On days we wake up on time and remember to, we read a page out of our Bibles or maybe a page someone else wrote about their Bible. And after all this I have to ask what's the point? Sometimes we go through these same motions over and over and over again and there's no change in our lives. We're still quick to judge, quick to anger and slow to love. So what? So what you "serve" on some team once every other week? So what you give up some sort of comfortable offering when you "remember?" So what? What's the point of all this?
This question stared me right in the face this week as I came to realize that even pastors get sick and make mistakes and are prone to tragedy. So if the most pious ones among us aren't immune from life, why then do we do all these things? After all, has anyone ever really SEEN God? Not The Virgin Mary on your toast or some hazy trip you had that time you fell asleep watching some crying lady ask for money on TBN. But has anyone ever seen a tangible image of this God we profess our love and adoration to? No.
So why do all this? If the most "holy" among us still go through lives struggles why do all this? What is the "so what" behind your faith? That's my challenge to you. If you're sharing with someone that's never thought to follow this intangible God you so deeply love and follow. What's the "so what" behind your story? You go to church? So what? You read your Bible? So what?
I don't know what world you live in, but my world and my unsaved friends aren't ok with Christianeze answers. My world and my friends want and demand a "so what" to my life. Why do you do this? Do you know?
My God changed my life. My God loved me when I felt no one else did. My God cheered and rooted for me when anyone else would have labeled me a failure. My God, the God that designed me and fashioned me and made me also gave me a purpose. So when life doesn't completely play out my way, I know He has a purpose for me. I know He loves me and cheers for me even when, especially when I drop the ball. That's why I do this. Why do you? What's my "so what?" I have a God that loves me, that roots for me, that has a purpose for me, that has a plan for me. So what? I've never been happier or more complete or more satisfied. That's what.
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